Sunday Worship Experience: 10:00AM (In-Person)
World Overcomers Christian Church
2933 S Miami Blvd, Suite 101, Durham, NC 27703
P: 919.402.9622 | E:
Office Hours:
Monday – Friday
10 AM-4 PM
Series: Heritage Month 2025
Scripture: Ephesians 4:11-13, Matthew 16:13-19
Jesus came to do two things: destroy the works of the devil and establish His church (Matthew 16:18-19). While the first is an individual battle, the second is a collective mission—building the ekklesia, the called-out community of believers. Ephesians 4:11-13 shows that Christ gave leaders to equip His people for service, so the church is more than a gathering; it is a movement, a place of tradition, and a community of faith.
Jesus also speaks of keys—authority given to His followers. Those with keys are either owners or workers in the kingdom. With keys come ownership, stewardship, and treasure. The question is, what will you do with what He has entrusted to you? The church is not just a place to attend; it is a force advancing God’s kingdom.